June 11-13, 2024
Klamath Falls, OR
Once a year the Klamath Basin Fisheries Collaborative meets to discuss, share and exchange ideas regarding monitoring and evaluation of Klamath River Basin restoration efforts, fish population health, etc. The meeting will be held at the Sky Lakes Community Health Education Center. A field trip to the Upper Klamath Basin avian refuges is scheduled for the afternoon of June 13th. The trip will be capped at 30 people.
We are soliciting presentations for the 2024 annual meeting. Contributed and invited talks will take a variety of formats to best fit the agenda with some being the usual 15 minute format. If there are concerns with travel restrictions, please contact Monica Diaz to discuss details.
- Research and monitoring of fish and other aquatic organisms
- Life history and population health
- PIT and telemetry tagging
- Tagging efforts to inform habitat restoration
- California fish hatchery releases (e.g., Fall Creek Hatchery)
- Use of big river arrays
- Dam passage and removal
- Monitoring passage through dams
- Fish monitoring post-dam removal
- Effectiveness of dam removal
- The data life cycle
- Data collection and management advancement
- Visualization tools and techniques
Submission steps
Please submit your abstracts online by April 5th, 2024
Abstracts should include the following:
- Primary author, affiliation and contact information
- Title
- Abstract
- Topic (choose from listed above)
- Co-authors, affiliations and emails
Contact: If you have any questions related to submitting your abstract, the annual meeting, or in general, please contact Monica Diaz (